
New urban fabric

Real Estate and Destination
Middle East
Strategy, Brand, Space, Digital

Lootah Real Estate Development (LRED), part of the Lootah Holdings group, is a well-established property development company with several generations of experience in the UAE.


Observing the influx of established global brands across the UAE and exponential growth of local stalwarts, L|RED company identified the need to re-imagine their brand story. With an objective to ensure continued growth and relevance to their target audience, the agency brief mandate was to retain the name of Lootah within the new identity, but to focus on modernisation of the brand.


Officially renaming the company to the shortened, more modern, catchier L|RED was a decision supported by the newly developed brand narrative. This change highlighted the company as a developer of innovative social living concepts and communities that meet the evolving needs of the real estate industry and its customers. To support the name, we crafted the clever tagline: "A new urban fabric”.


The revamped brand identity is inspired by the company’s focus on innovation and its vision to be at the forefront of considered living spaces. With an eye on the future, while continuing to build a rich legacy, the new brandmark is bold, forward-thinking, and modern. The slash in the brandmark works as a connector between the Lootah family name and the industry it represents, and features throughout the visual language as a bridge to people, places, and passions.


The visual language draws on rich, warm red tones throughout, with both typography and graphic devices that utilise sharp angles and clean lines, reflecting the brand's forward-thinking vision.

Brave Moment

The creative team fought hard for this brandmark as it embodied everything the company represents. Despite challenges to go with a more subdued and conservative identity and visual style, the creative team's strategy and logic won in the end and the result has most definitely paid off.

“JansenHarris were extremely diligent with their research and strategic approach to this challenging project. There were numerous stakeholders involved, however, the team’s commitment to the project in ensuring we concluded with the right brandmark for the company’s vision, was something we are all proud of today”.
Raja Alameddine



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