
Shape your space

Real Estate and Destination
Middle East
Strategy, Brand, Digital

Market saturation is always a key challenge for property developers. Not only does it amplify the difficulty of differentiating projects, but it exerts pressure on pricing strategies, making it challenging to maintain profit margins.


Memorable aesthetics contribute to brand recognition in the market and enhance the marketability of a property. In turn, the attention of buyers who seek distinctive design elements, is captured. Buyers are often willing to pay a premium for a home that offers a unique living experience. Based on these findings, a carefully curated and highly differentiated interior offering was created, allowing the developer to cater to a broader market segment with specific tastes and preferences. Our challenge was to ensure that the new brand look represented each of these highly customisable designs and married the offering seamlessly with a visual identity inspired by the lifestyle on offer.


Taken from Latin meaning places or community, the name LOCi was selected from a long list of potentials. Short, punchy, and youthful, the name would resonate with the target market.


For the brandmark, we leaned heavily into two key design features that reflected the options common to each property: location and flexibility. Firstly, when purchasing, clients had a choice of three distinct styles for their apartments; Miami, London, and New York. Secondly, apartments were highly customisable, with clients being able to choose layouts and configurations with help from the design team to create a space that was highly personal. Therefore, our brandmark contained a degree symbol to highlight geographical coordinates and locations, as well as variable type to demonstrate flexibility.


The visual language and associated assets built upon this concept using arrows, degree symbols, and latitude and longitude coordinates punctuated with vibrant colours, and bold typography.

Brave Moment

Convincing our client that a more urban, youthful approach would speak to their target market.

“Thank you to the JansenHarris team for your exceptional work on the LOCi project. Your unique approach, especially evident in the strategic and identity phases, played a significant role in the project’s rapid success, not only by attracting potential buyers but also establishing a sense of trust and distinction for LOCi in a competitive market”.
Raja Alameddine



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